【工程概况】北美华富山工业园位于墨西哥蒙特雷市北郊,现需要对污水处理站扩容到15L/S处理能力。工期要求120天,现诚邀请符合条件的施工单位前来报名。【Background of the project】HOFUSAN Industrial Park is located in Salinas Victoria town, near Monterrey city, Mexico. The owner of the park will invest to enlarge capacity of water treatment plant to 15L/S. Required for construction in less than 120 days.
【Requirement for Bid candidate】1、The registered capital of each bidder is more than $1,270,000 (Mexican Pesos);2、With a relevant construction qualification and a similar project experience.【The deadline for bid application】February 28h, 2022.【The document for bid application】1、License of the bidder’s company.2、The ID of the bidder owner.3、Introduction of the company, and CV.招标人:HOFUSAN REAL ESTATE S.A.P.I DE C.V.招标联系人:Raul fabela【contact person】联系电话: 8112148021【phone number】邮箱:Raul.fabela@hofusan.net【email】