【工程概况】华富山工业园位于墨西哥蒙特雷市北郊,园区将投资建设CCTV和门禁系统工程。该项目需要在2个月内完成,诚邀所有符合条件的建筑企业报名参加本次招标。【Background of the project】HOFUSAN Industrial Park is located in Salinas Victoria town, near Monterrey city, Mexico. The owner of the park will invest to build a CCTV & control of accese. The estimation required for construction in less than 2 months. We sincerely invite all qualified construction companies to apply for this bid.1、每个投标人的注册资本超过$ 3,000,000.00墨西哥比索;【Requirement for Bid candidate】1、The registered capital of each bidder is more than $3,000,000.00 (Mexican Pesos).2、With a relevant construction qualification and a similar project experience.【The deadline for bid application】Aug 30, 2022.【The document for bid application】1、License of the bidder’s company.2、The ID of the bidder owner.3、Introduction of the company, and CV.招标人:HOFUSAN REAL ESTATE S.A.P.I DE C.V.招标联系人:Enrique Rojas Ramirez 【contact person】联系电话: 8128982170 【phone number】邮箱:erojas@hofusan.net 【email】